Merry Christmas guys, and thank you! Thank you for helping me learning portuguese, Lol... y'know, there are a number of language learning methods, one can employ to speed up the process of learning a new language, and doing it through reading comics, it's the best way I know, so that's why your work here is very important to me, and it must be very important to many others for uncountable reasons, I'm sure.. so thank you again, and keep up the good job.. a year full of joy, success and good tidings for everyone!
Why, yes of course! I'll try my best, dude... I already know some stuff like, "hasta la vista baby!" Haha, I'm kidding I know well that's spanish.. but you can count on that ol' buddy, I'll return here, writing something in portuguese, in the near future, you bet! Take care guys...
Ed commented on disney especial 127 os curiosos: “Disney Especial inédito, um presente de natal. Muito obrigado a todos que contribuem neste blog, um…”
Nildo commented on disney especial 127 os curiosos: “Muito, Muito Obrigado Nemo, Obrigado QP, Mas Uma Pra Coleção que Maravilha, Eu Tenho 157 Edições,…”
Amig@s, apesar do precioso apoio que o blog tem recebido no restauro de scans, a verdade é que continua a ser necessária ajuda! Se tiver experiência em Photoshop (ou outro programa de edição de imagens) e se tiver disponibilidade para alguns restauros, por favor entre em contato através do nosso email. Se não tiver experiência em restauros pode obter muitas dicas no excelente blog do Nick:
Muito obrigado!
Valeu por mais um do tio.
ResponderEliminarBela edição do velho pato, obrigado.
ResponderEliminarThank you so much for all the time and effort that you put into this. I do appreciate it...
ResponderEliminarYou`re welcome Daniel :) Its a team effort!
EliminarValeu por mais um Miguel...
ResponderEliminarFeliz natal e um grande abraço aqui do Brasil,
Feliz Natal Daniel e também para todos os colaboradores e visitantes da Gibiteca :)
Merry Christmas guys, and thank you! Thank you for helping me learning portuguese, Lol... y'know, there are a number of language learning methods, one can employ to speed up the process of learning a new language, and doing it through reading comics, it's the best way I know, so that's why your work here is very important to me, and it must be very important to many others for uncountable reasons, I'm sure.. so thank you again, and keep up the good job.. a year full of joy, success and good tidings for everyone!
EliminarThanks for the really cool comment Daniel :) Hope we can all read some Portuguese words from you soon :) Merry Christmas to you!
EliminarWhy, yes of course! I'll try my best, dude... I already know some stuff like, "hasta la vista baby!" Haha, I'm kidding I know well that's spanish.. but you can count on that ol' buddy, I'll return here, writing something in portuguese, in the near future, you bet! Take care guys...
EliminarOh man, you scared me with that "Portuguese", "hasta la vista baby" :)
EliminarWe`ll be waiting for some real Portuguese words from you ;) See you soon!
O tio acaba tendo prejuizo financeiro e mágico e nem por isso se aborrece no final....só no natal mesmo rsrs
ResponderEliminarObrigado Evandrops e Miguel!
Obrigado pela postagem.
Muito obrigado mais uma vez, valeu pelo compartilhamento.